

Blurs/pixelates images.

Please be patient. Twitter enforces rate limiting, so if the queue is long it may take a while to process your image.

Sensitive images If you send any of these bots sensitive material that would not be appropriate to openly display at work or show to a child, you must include the hashtag #NSFW. This includes nudity, violence, and medical procedures. If you do not, I will block you permanently.


Pixel Dimensions

Square pixels can get boring. You can control the pixel dimensions. This is the area that will be analyzed, improved, and replaced. The hashtag to control this option should be in the form of #p10x20. This sets the width of each new pixel to 10 real pixels wide and 20 real pixels high. Try out different dimensions until you get the look you want. Currently both dimensions must be set.

Pixel Style

You can set what style is used for creating the pixels on the new canvas.

#rectangles Use rectangles as pixels. This is used most often.

#squares Uses a rectangle as the base and then inserts the largest square that will fit inside using a different color method.

#dots Creates a dot centered in the selected new pixel size, except the radius is the greater of the two pixel dimensions to better fill the canvas. Pick pixel dimensions that are the same or close to the same to see the dots more.

#triangles Each rectangular pixel is divided into two triangles with each using a different color method.

Color methods

Each rectangular pixel area is analyzed for the colors inside that area. There are a whole slew of different ways the colors can then be changed. Here are some of them to give you an idea of all the options. Most of them work in the RGB color space by creating a new color by taking the color of each real pixel in the pixel area.

#average The average of all the reds, the average of all the greens, and the average of all the blues separately is used to create a new color. Most likely option.

#median Similar to #average except it takes the median values of the reds, greens, and blues to create a new color.

#max Takes the maximum value of each RGB to create a new color.

#min Minimum value of each RGB.

In some cases instead of selecting the max or min value the difference is split between the min/max and the average.

#minred Take the minimum value of the reds and uses the average or median for the greens and blues. Similar methods for #mingreen and #minblue.

#maxred Take the maximum value of the reds and uses the average or median for the greens and blues. Similar methods for #maxgreen and #maxblue.

#maxredgreen Maximum value for both the reds and greens and the average or media for the blues. Similar for each color combination. #maxgreenblue #maxredblue.

#minredmaxgreen Minimum value for reds and maximum value for greens and average or median for the blues. Each combination available with min always preceding max.

#random For each new pixel area it selects a different color method from the above.


#overlay Instead of creating a completely new image this applies variable alpha transparency to the new image and lays it over the image that was sent. Transparency is currently not configurable.


Send an image with #gif and get an animated GIF using a random assortment of other options. This bot can create GIFs, but cannot yet consume them until the Twitter API is updated.


Blur your profile image with the hashtag #profile. No need to include an image.