Electronic resources knowledgebase management.
Oversaw all aspects of this historic library. Maintenance and operation of Koha ILS. Copy cataloged 2000+ monographs using custom Ruby script.
Wrote service adaptors to find appropriate full-text versions through the Internet Archive and Google Book Search.
Check-in and claims of loose-leaf services, pocket parts, replacement volumes, and law reviews.
Managed serials and bindery unit staff. Assisted Electronic Resource Librarian with all aspects of electronic resource management including invoicing and budget reconciliation.
Managed all day-to-day operations of departmental library including reference, reserves, document delivery, and student worker management.
Using ORCID with SciENcv to Save Researchers Time & Reduce Burden, invited presentation with Hilary Davis, Federal Demonstration Partnership Meeting, January 9, 2020.
Enhancing and Amplifying Research at NC State University through Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): A Case Study, presented with Mira Waller, Society of Research Administrators International 2019 Annual Meeting, October 22, 2019.
Developing an Orchestration System for Automating Digital Workflows, presented with Brian Dietz, DLF Forum, October 15, 2019.
ORCID & Biosketch Requirements, invited presentation with Rachael Posey and Hilary Davis, NC State University Research Administration Retreat, October 9, 2019.
Program Lifecycles and Making Room for Innovation, invited presentation, Lyrasis Member Summit, October 1, 2019.
ORCID at NC State University Libraries, invited presentation, ORCID US Community Showcase #3, May 2, 2019.
IIIF Awesome List Curation, invited presentation, IIIF Outreach community call, April 30, 2019.
ORCID at NC State University Libraries, invited panel presentation, CNI spring meeting, St. Louis, April 9, 2019.
IIIF and SEO, invited presentation, IIIF community call, October 10, 2018.
ORCID at NC State, co-presented at TRLN Annual Meeting, August 20, 2018.
Reuse of IIIF Resources, invited presentation, IIIF Archives community call, July 13, 2018.
EAD XML Creation and Imports into ArchivesSpace with Steady, invited presentation, Lyrasis webinar Transforming XLS to EAD: Importing Component Hierarchies, June 27, 2018.
ORCID at NC State University Libraries presented as part of the panel Advancements in the ORCID US Community: Supporting Researchers & Adding Value for Research Institutions, CNI Spring Membership Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, April 2019.
IIIF Content Search API at NCSU Libraries, panel presentation, IIIF Conference 2018, Washington DC, May 24, 2018.
Awesome IIIF and Community Resources, showcase presentation, IIIF Conference 2018, Washington DC, May 22, 2018.
Curating Awesome IIIF, workshop, IIIF Conference 2018, Washington DC, May 21, 2018.
Teaching IIIF, workshop, IIIF Conference 2018, Washington DC, May 21, 2018.
Sunsetting: Strategies for Portfolio Management and Decommissioning Projects, presentation, Coalition for Networked Information Spring Forum 2018, San Diego, CA, March 13, 2018. video.
IIIF Hands-on Technical Workshop, Code4Lib 2018, Washington DC, February 13, 2018.
Sunsetting: Strategies for Portfolio Management and Decommissioning Projects, presentation, Digital Library Federation Forum 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, October 23, 2017.
Building Desktop Applications using Web Technologies with Electron, Code4Lib 2016, Philadelphia, PA, March 8, 2016.
Video Accessibility on the Web, lightning talk, Code4Lib 2015, Portland, OR, February 10, 2015.
Recipes for Engagement: A Cookbook for Interactive Spaces with Mike Nutt, Digital Library Federation Forum 2014, Atlanta, GA, October 29, 2014.
Video Accessibility on the Web and Open Standards, Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference 2014, Savannah, GA, October 9, 2014.
WebSockets for Real-Time and Interactive Interfaces, Code4Lib Conference 2014, Raleigh, NC, March 25, 2014.
Embedded Semantic Markup, schema.org, the Common Crawl, and Web Data Commons: What Big Web Data Means for Libraries and Archives, 2013 Digital Library Federation Forum, Austin, TX, November 4, 2013.
Embedded Semantic Markup, schema.org, the Common Crawl, and Web Data Commons: What Big Web Data Means for Libraries and Archives, Triangle Research Libraries Network Annual Meeting 2013, Chapel Hill, NC, July 22, 2013.
Wrote and facilitated a Schema.org workshop, LibDevConX^4, Stanford University, March 24, 2013.
HTML5 Video Now!, Code4Lib Conference 2013, Chicago, IL, February 13, 2013.
Organizer and lead teacher of the 1st “Code4Lib RailsBridge Workshop.” Code4Lib Conference 2013, Chicago, IL, February 11, 2013.
The Potential for Libraries of Embedded Semantic Markup and Schema.org, Kunnskapsorganisasjonsdagene 2013 (Knowledge Organization Week), Oslo, Norway, February 8, 2013. (invited)
HTML5 Microdata and Schema.org, Code4Lib Conference 2012, Seattle, WA, February 7, 2012.
Presented “Microservices.” Lightning talk and panel with Jill Sexton, Paolo Mangiafico, Jenn Riley, Brian Dietz, Seth Shaw, Erin O'Meara and Markus Wust. Breakout Session: “Save Our Bits: Approaches to Digital Preservation at TRLN Libraries”. TRLN Annual Meeting 2011. Chapel Hill, NC. July 25, 2011.
Prepared with Tito Sierra. “Collection Achievements and Profiles System.” DPLA Plenary Meeting, Washington, DC, October 21, 2011.
Automating a Digital Special Collections Workflow Through Iterative Development, ACRL 2011, Philadelphia, PA, March 31, 2011.
Put it to Use: Repurposing Archival Description for Digitization with Brian Dietz, Librarians Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (LAUNC-CH) Annual Meeting 2011: Staying Vital in a Time of Change, Chapel Hill, NC, March 7, 2011.
Historical State: Discovering NC State History with Brian Dietz, Adam Berenbak, Todd Kosmerick, and Cate Putirskis, Creating a User-Centered Library, Librarians Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Annual Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, March 8, 2010.
Websockets For Real-time And Interactive Interfaces, ACRL TechConnect, 2014-06-17
HTML5 Microdata and Schema.org, Code4Lib Journal, 2012-02-03
Automating a Digital Special Collections Workflow Through Iterative Development with Brian Dietz, ACRL 2011
Steady, SAA 2011 Description Expo 2011. Coinciding with the SAA annual meeting in August 2011.
A distributed electronic course reserves project: early findings with Carol Brigham and Gretchen Sneff, The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, 14(2), 2001-06-01
For a fuller list and more details, please visit: https://ronallo.com/projects
NCSU Libraries Digital Collections: Rare and Unique Materials Discovery platform of digitized images, texts, video, audio, and archival folders. https://d.lib.ncsu.edu/collections
Citation Index Collection of works of NC State University affiliated people which collects ORCID iDs and syncs works to ORCID (developed with Luke Aeschleman). https://ci.lib.ncsu.edu
IIIF Technical Review Committee
Code4Lib 2016 Scholarship Committee
Code4Lib 2014 Host Committee
Code4Lib 2014 Scholarship Committee, Lead
Digital Collections Technical Oversight Committee, co-chair
Research Data Committee, co-chair
Management Council, member
IT Advisory Committee, member
Digital Research Strategy Committee, member
Association of Moving Image Archivists and Digital Library Federation Hack Day 2014, Jury Prize for Best Embodiment of Event’s Manifesto for Video Sprites! with Ashley Blewer, Jay Brown, and Nick Zoss
Society of American Archivists 2010 C. F. W. Coker Award for the NCSU Libraries’ collection guide application