Testing DASH and HLS Streams on Linux

Published: 2016-12-28 15:01 -0500

Updated: 2017-03-18

I’m developing a script to process some digitized and born digital video into adaptive bitrate formats. As I’ve gone along trying different approaches for creating these streams, I’ve wanted reliable ways to test them on a Linux desktop. I keep forgetting how I can effectively test DASH and HLS adaptive bitrate streams I’ve created, so I’m jotting down some notes here as a reminder. I’ll list both the local and online players that you can try.

While I’m writing about testing both DASH and HLS adaptive bitrate formats, really we need to consider 3 formats as HLS can be delivered as MPEG-2 TS segments or fragmented MP4 (fMP4). Since mid-2016 and iOS 10+ HLS segments can be delivered as fMP4. This now allows you to use the same fragmented MP4 files for both DASH and HLS streaming. Until uptake of iOS 10 is greater you likely still need to deliver video with HLS-TS as well (or go with an HLS-TS everywhere approach). While DASH can use any codec I’ll only be testing fragmented MP4s (though maybe not fully conformant to DASH-IF AVC/264 interoperability points). So I’ll break down testing by DASH, HLS TS, and HLS fMP4 when applicable.

The important thing to remember is that you’re not playing back a video file directly. Instead these formats use a manifest file which lists out the various adaptations–different resolutions and bitrates–that a client can choose to play based on bandwidth and other factors. So what we want to accomplish is the ability to play back video by referring to the manifest file instead of any particular video file or files. In some cases the video files will be self-contained, muxed video and audio and byte range requests will be used to serve up segments, but in other cases the video is segmented with the audio in either a separate single file or again the audio segmented similar to the video. In fact depending on how the actual video files are created they may even lack data necessary to play back independent of another file. For instance it is possible to create a separate initialization MP4 file that includes the metadata that allows a client to know how to play back each of the segment files that lack this information. Also, all of these files are intended to be served up over HTTP. They can also include links to text tracks like captions and subtitles. Support for captions in these formats is lacking for many HTML5 players.

Also note that all this testing is being done on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS though the Xubuntu variant and it is possible I’ve compiled some of these tools myself (like ffmpeg) rather than using the version in the Ubuntu repositories.

Playing Manifests Directly

I had hoped that it would be fairly easy to test these formats directly without putting them behind a web server. Here’s what I discovered about playing the files without a web server.

GUI Players

Players like VLC and other desktop players have limited support for these formats, so even when they don’t work in these players that doesn’t mean the streams won’t play in a browser or on a mobile device. I’ve had very little luck using these directly from the file system. Assume for this post that I’m already in a directory with the video manifest files: cd /directory/with/video

So this doesn’t work for a DASH manifest (Media Presentation Description): vlc stream.mpd

Neither does this for an HLS-TS manifest: vlc master.m3u8

In the case of HLS it looks like VLC is not respecting relative paths the way it needs to. Some players appear like they’re trying to play HLS, but I haven’t found a Linux GUI player yet that can play the stream directly from the file sytem like this yet. Suggestions?

Command Line Players


Local testing of DASH can be done with the GPAC MP4Client: MP4Client stream.mpd

This works and can tell you if it is basically working and a separate audio file is synced, but only appears to show the first adaptation. I also have some times when it will not play a DASH stream that plays just fine elsewhere. It will not show you whether the sidecar captions are working and I’ve not been able to use MP4Client to figure out whether the adaptations are set up correctly. Will the video sources actually switch with restricted bandwidth? There’s a command line option for this but I can’t see that it works.


For HLS-TS it is possible to use the ffplay media player that uses the ffmpeg libraries. It has some of the same limitations as MP4Client as far as testing adaptations and captions. The ffplay player won’t work though for HLS-fMP4 or MPEG-DASH.

Other Command Line Players

The mpv media player is based on MPlayer and mplayer2 and can play back both HLS-TS and HLS-fMP4 streams, but not DASH. It also has some nice overlay controls for navigating through a video including knowing about various audio tracks. Just use it with mpv master.m3u8. The mplayer player also works, but seems to choose only one adaptation (the lowest bitrate or the first in the list?) and does not have overlay controls. It doesn’t seem to recognize the sidecar captions included in the HLS-TS manifest.

Behind a Web Server

One simple solution to be able to use other players is to put the files behind a web server. While local players may work, these formats are really intended to be streamed over HTTP. I usually do this by installing Apache and allowing symlinks. I then symlink from the web root to the temporary directory where I’m generating various ABR files. If you don’t want to set up Apache you can also try web-server-chrome which works well in the cases I’ve tested (h/t @Bigggggg_Al).

GUI Players & HTTP

I’ve found that the GStreamer based Parole media player included with XFCE can play DASH and HLS-TS streams just fine. It does appear to adapt to higher bitrate versions as it plays along, but Parole cannot play HLS-fMP4 streams yet.

To play a DASH stream: parole http://localhost/pets/fmp4/stream.mpd

To play an HLS-TS stream: parole http://localhost/pets/hls/master.m3u8

Are there other Linux GUIs that are known to work?

Command Line Players & HTTP

ffplay and MP4Client also work with localhost URLs. ffplay can play HLS-TS streams. MP4Client can play DASH and HLS-TS streams, but for HLS-TS it seems to not play the audio.

Online Players

And once you have a stream already served up from a local web server, there are online test players that you can use. No need to open up a port on your machine since all the requests are made by the browser to the local server which it already has access to. This is more cumbersome with copy/paste work, but is probably the best way to determine if the stream will play in Firefox and Chromium. The main thing you’ll need to do is set CORS headers appropriately. If you have any problems with this check your browser console to see what errors you’re getting. Besides the standard Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*” for some players you may need to set headers to accept pre-flight Access-Control-Allow-Headers like “Range” for byte range requests.

The Bitmovin MPEG-DASH & HLS Test Player requires that you select whether the source is DASH or HLS-TS (or progressive download). Even though Linux desktop browsers do not natively support playing HLS-TS this player can repackage the TS segments so that they can be played back as MP4. This player does not work with HLS-fMP4 streams, though. Captions that are included in the DASH or HLS manifests can be displayed by clicking on the gear icon, though there’s some kind of double-render issue with the DASH manifests I’ve tested.

Really when you’re delivering DASH you’re probably using dash.js underneath in most cases so testing that player is useful. The DASH-264 JavaScript Reference Client Player has a lot of nice features like allowing the user to select the adaptation to play and display of various metrics about the video and audio buffers and the bitrate that is being downloaded. Once you have some files in production this can be helpful for seeing how well your server is performing. Captions that are included in the DASH manifest can be displayed.

The videojs-contrib-hls project has a demo VideoJS HLS player that includes support for fMP4.

The hls.js player has a great demo site for each version that has a lot of options to test quality control and show other metrics. Change the version number in the URL to the latest version. The other nice part about this demo page is that you can just add a src parameter to the URL with the localhost URL you want to test. I could not get hls.js to work with HLS-fMP4 streams, though there is an issue to add fMP4 support. Captions do not seem to be enabled.

There is also the JW Player Stream Tester. But since I don’t have a cert for my local server I need to use the JW Player HTTP stream tester instead of the HTTPS one. I was successfully able to test a DASH and HLS-TS streams with this tool. Captions only displayed for the HLS stream.

The commercial Radiant media player has a DASH and HLS tester than can be controlled with URL parameters. I’m not sure why the streaming type needs to be selected first, but otherwise it works well. It knows how to handle DASH captions but not HLS ones, and it does not work with HLS-fMP4.

The commercial THEOplayer HLS and DASH testing tool only worked for my HLS-TS stream and not the DASH or HLS-fMP4 streams I’ve tested. Maybe it was the test examples given, but even their own examples did not adapt well and had buffering issues.

Wowza has a page for video test players but it seems to require a local Wowza server be set up.

What other demo players are there online that can be used to test ABR streams?

I’ve also created a little DASH tester using Plyr and dash.js. You can either enter a URL to an MPD into the input or append a src parameter with the URL to the MPD to the test page URL. To make it even easier to use, I created a short script that allows me to launch it from a terminal just by giving it the MPD URL. This approach could be used for a couple of the other demos above as well.

One gap in my testing so far is the Shaka player. They have a demo site, but it doesn’t allow enabling an arbitrary stream.

Other Tools for ABR Testing

In order to test automatic bitrate switching it is useful to test that bandwidth switching is working. Latest Chromium and Firefox nightly both have tools built into their developer tools to simulate different bandwidth conditions. In Chromium this is under the network tab and in Firefox nightly it is only accessible when turning on the mobile/responsive view. If you set the bandwidth to 2G you ought to see network requests for a low bitrate adaptation, and if you change it to wifi it ought to adapt to a high bitrate adaptation.


There are decent tools to test HLS and MPEG-DASH while working on a Linux desktop. I prefer using command line tools like MP4Client (DASH) and mpv (HLS-TS, HLS-fMP4) for quick tests that the video and audio are packaged correctly and that the files are organized and named correctly. These two tools cover both formats and can be launched quickly from a terminal.

I plan on taking a DASH-first approach, and for desktop testing I prefer to test in video.js if caption tracks are added as track elements. With contributed plugins it is possible to test DASH and HLS-TS in browsers. I like testing with Plyr (with my modifications) if the caption file is included in DASH manifest since Plyr was easy to hack to make this work. For HLS-fMP4 (and even HLS-TS) there’s really no substitute to testing on an iOS device (and for HLS-fMP4 on an iOS 10+ device) as the native player may be used in full screen mode.